A good strategy is necessary to secure success on long term.
A strategic plan based on the companys present situation and the expectations in the market for the future will optimize the future results for the company. Implementation is an important part of this.
It is important that the strategic plan is based on the shareholders wishes.
The most important when starting a strategic planning proces is to clarify the wishes from the shareholder:
- Short term optimization
because shareholders
wants to sell.
- Log term optimization.
- Maximize dividends to
optimize shareholders
cash situation.
The development of the plan should be upon a common understanding of the present situation and future expectations for the company.
A plan without implementation is useless work. The strategic plans must be broken down in yearly, operational plans reflecting the targets in the strategic plan.
Checking key perfomance indicators will secure that the company is moving in the planned direction and that results will be reached within due time.
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