Sales is the key to success - efficient marketing can support.
Finance and production are important, but without sales, there is no need for these functions.
Sales needs to be prioritized and actively used as an asset; too often we see automated sales processes.
Good saleswork is based on good relations with the customers.
In most companies, marketing must support sales to optimize results. Few companies are having a position allowing them to create a brand. A common platform for sales and marketing is the key to succeed.
It is normally easier to sell more to existing customers than searching for new ones.
To sell more to existing customers requires, in addition to products, good relations with the customers.
The relations to the customes is the biggest asset of the company.
If the company wants new customers, preparations is the key.
Expansion needs to be carefully planned to secure enough capacity, avoid channel conflicts and to have a profitable growth.
We need to investigate if it is possible to add new products or segments to obtain synergies.
This area is often based on past behaviour and needs to be addressed
with analysis etc.
To optimize the resources of the company, it is normally necessary to a have a strong coordination between sales and marketing. Marketing plans needs to support sales.
If you want to build a strong brand, we need a more independent marketing department.
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