Strategy and management that creates results.
There is a lot of smaller and mid sized companies which are working very well, but lack
inspiration or tools to get problem solved. Strakon offers to help based on many years of practical experience in management and excution. Strakon follows up thatit is not just the plans.
Maybe you are missing ressources in the normal working day or you might miss specific competences.
Strakon might be able to help you with strategic management, sales, and marketing.
Are you missing time or ressources to develop
the company or to solve specific problems.
An active Board can help the management in the company and support the long term development.
Strategic 3-5 years plans will help most companies in focusing on the future developememt.
Plans will be based on facts and implementing the plans are the key to success.
If you are missing development in sales, whether this is more sales to existing customers or sales to new ones we can help.
In most companies, marketing should support sales to get synergies.
Mobil: +45 23 24 81 77